Resolutions in The Rearview

2020 has officially concluded; today is the very first day of 2021. PRAISE GOD.

2020 has not been at all like what I imagined it. What with the entire world shutting down due to a virus that has a better survival rate than the common cold; being restricted from seeing friends for the first quarter of the year due to said virus; a little brother who, as a result of health complications, has been in and out of the hospital the entirety of this year; and America being cheated out of another four years of MAGA; this year has been challenging, stressful and an overall letdown.

However, even though 2020 had its nasty sections, when I look past blood and bruise, the curses and cries, this was a year where I grew as a human, as a woman, and most importantly, as a Christian.

At the beginning of last year, I wrote a post listing 5 of my new year’s resolutions, and I thought it would be beneficial (to whom I truly don’t know) to go through said list with 2020 behind us and see if I kept them. This should be interesting…

1: Place God First.

This was the first item on my resolution list, and of course the most important one. I actually honestly believe that, throughout these 12 months, I have learned much more about God and have grown closer to Him through more determined reading of His Word, through theological discussions with family and friends, and through listening to extra-church sermons and talks by the likes of Doug Wilson, Jeff Durbin, and many others.

This past summer, I joined a Bible Reading Challenge presented by Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, and have been reading more of the Word on my own than I had before. I encourage you to look at the challenge I linked above and consider joining me in reading God’s word as a resolution of your own come 2021. It is still the top priority for me going into the new year, and I hope it will be for you too.

2: Advocating Life

Due to many reasons (among them is the little smiling face in the picture above), I was unable to physically take a stand alongside other pro-life citizens this year, to pray outside of abortion mills, or to volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers. But that is not the only way one can stand for life, for a pen can be used as a weapon as well.

I strived to put my writing to work in enlightening readers about the dangers and the horrors of abortion. This year, I was delighted to be published on the Illinois Family Action’s website writing about this very topic in its relation to Kamala Harris. I also published–through the span of three posts–my research paper about abortion and its risks of producing breast cancer on this very blog (gosh this is a lot of self promotion). I am happy and humbled to say they are my most read posts up to date–and if you’d like to read them, you can find part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here.

3: Write More Consistently

Well I think I wrote a great deal more than I ever have in 2020, both fictional and opinion pieces–yet not nearly enough. In the beginning of the year when we were all confined to our homes, I retreated into word documents and leather notebooks. Some of the fictional content has seen the light of day (example: the No Context installments) but most of my imaginary stories will remain under the bed in a box until my grandkids are ready to belly laugh at my poor language and ridiculous creations.

As to opinion pieces, I’m excited to inform whomever is reading this that I was published in the Illinois Family Institute’s winter newsletter last December, and, of course, I posted 29 times on Charming Undomiel last year, most of which is non-fictional content. Now, if you are a regular to this particular corner of the web, you will have noticed the more solemn posts. And whether you like it or not, I am planning on doing quite a bit more of those. So if you are wondering about all the grave, life-related content in the future, don’t say I didn’t say I didn’t warn you (yes I just quoted Blank Space, what’s it to you?)

4: Control My Social Media

When I wrote my 2020 resolution post, I had no idea what the year had in store for us. Back before the local and national authorities locked America in our homes and prevented us from seeing friends and family for the entire year (granted my social circle broke the “social distancing” guidelines way back in April but that’s besides the point). I was looking at this year as a sort of reset, a year to grow closer with friends by long walks, coffee shop stops, homely get-togethers–in essence, cut back on my consumption of social media. And then we were told that humans outside of one’s family are walking germ balls of death so we must stay home. 

Just like most other people in the world last year, if I didn’t have social media to stay in contact with friends during the period of time we had no idea how overblown the corona virus was, I think I would’ve lost my mind. So looking at this resolution, I honestly did not control my social media time well last year, but who did (isn’t it great to refer to 2020 as “last year”)?

5: Shake it Off

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.

Psalm 118:8

Last year, I had resolved to confront my fear of what I think others are thinking of me and become a bolder, more confident light for the glory of Christ. I believe I have improved on that front, though I do have a ways to go. Last year had many controversial topics come up, and I actually was not terrified to speak the truth of the Word in love. From abortion and breast cancer, barely lethal viruses and “public health,” to justice and racism, I have been unashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God for salvation for the Jew and the Greek (or all people everywhere).

The fear of man is a snare, and woefully inconsistent; don’t let wicked people manipulate you into abandoning the Word of the Triune God.

And thus ends my first post of 2021. I hope you enjoyed this piece about yours truly making a self-promoting fool of herself, and I sincerely wish you a merry 2021 filled with hope, happiness and lots of chocolate.

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